strategies for building our company culture of strength and happiness

At Trusticate we are working with every intention to create a happy, heart-related, socially conscious and connected workspace that inspires everyone and provides an energizing sense of shared purpose in the work we do. We all want to be happy, and research has proven that happiness has far reaching benefits not only for individuals but also for companies.

Our commitment to human well-being and the quality of our work is rooted in the belief that these two are interconnected. We recognize that fostering a positive work culture that prioritize happiness and social connectedness is not only good for each one of us in Trusticate but also makes good business sense. We are committed to creating a workplace where everyone can thrive and make meaningful contributions to our mission of improving the world.


When we hire:

It is all about the people! Creating a flourishing culture in our workspace starts when selecting your employees. Here are the basic requirements:

1.   An open heart.

2.   A conscious and present mind.

3.   To be highly skilled and educated within the field in need.

4.   A deep and personal interest in the work we do.

5.   A social fit for the team.


Tools we use to support human happiness and well-being in our team is to:

1.   See us all in the company as being the same human beings behind our different outer appearances and beliefs.

2.   Recognize each other as basically good, heart-based individuals.

3.   Focus on building close connections among all of us.

4.   Work consciously and empathically with developing and utilising inner potentials satisfying employees individually.

5.   Offer meaningful work that allow us to contribute to improving the climate, promoting equality, and supporting human well-being. Finding meaning and purpose in life is important for happiness at work.

6.   Favor helping each other and being grateful.

7.   As we are a diverse group of people placed at different geographical locations, we schedule meetings for pleasure online during normal work hours nurturing the beautiful and growing connections among us.


Personally, as I consider the strategy for building and growing the company culture at Trusticate the “how to” outlined above has been natural to me. My work with Trusticate is not separate from who I am and my basic assumptions in life. I am working most of my hours based on the belief that love is possible and that we are all connected. I am convinced that the world’s most devastating problems, human inequality and the climate crisis, can be solved or significantly improved, if we collectively become more aware of our inner potentials and integrate them in our daily lives. I am happy to be part of a team that is dedicated to creating a positive impact on the world.


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