The best user experience is created when we tell the story using trustworthy blockchain data and visual metadata

Bridging Storytelling and Data

In the world of sustainable growth, trust and connection are paramount. In Trusticate we help create a unique synergy that enhances both user experience and sustainable asset management for suppliers of biocredits or nature-based assets. We have seen the amazing visual storytelling tools and methods that suppliers of these assets will use to connect and to create trust in their work (such as video testimonies, photography, satellite imagery, IOT integration for live updates on nature-based assets). Combining those storytelling techniques with the information uploaded onto the blockchain-based registry, that is verified and audited, solidifies the connection and trust to the suppliers and the work that is being done.

The Power of Personal Narratives

Moving beyond mere statistics and numbers, Trusticate's system transforms information into personal stories that resonate with users. Whether it's a local community's engagement in reforestation or a scientific breakthrough in ocean restoration, Trusticate crafts narratives that make complex projects relatable and engaging.

Visual Engagement and Clarity

Trusticate focuses on visual engagement and clarity in every part of our design customisations. Users can explore interactive maps, videos, and photos of various conservation sites. Tilesets and interactive tools allow users to control information complexity, offering a layered and personalized exploration experience.

The Trusticate Registry: An In-Depth Look

Seamless End-User Experience

Trusticate's E2E solution empowers users to navigate through various conservation projects easily. Imagine a user interested in wetland conservation; they can explore specific projects, access interactive data visualizations, watch videos from on-site teams, and read stories from communities positively impacted by the initiatives. Whether it is the certificate look-and-feel that the end-customer will get in their email inbox, or if it is the dashboard view that the suppliers can look at for a quick overview in their internal organisation, collecting and showcasing your data in an effective and user-friendly way is a top priority for us.

Here you can see an example of how a customised template will look for a supplier and reseller of biodiversity credits.

Trust and Transparency

Trusticate's registry ensures trust and transparency for each project's status and impact. Digital certificates, tracker functionalities, and third-party validations create a transparent and credible experience, providing proof of ownership and building trust between suppliers and consumers.

Facilitating Collaboration and Connection

By showcasing real-world stories, images, and symbols of trust, Trusticate's registry fosters a deeper connection between users and projects. Engagement goes beyond mere observation; users can understand the tangible impact and engage with causes that resonate with them.

Tailoring Solutions for Suppliers

Trusticate's system is designed to adapt to the diverse needs of various suppliers in the sustainability sector. From managing complex datasets to conveying intricate narratives, the platform can be customized to align with the unique offerings and values of different nature-based asset providers.

Incorporating badges on email signatures, leading back to traceable and trustworthy proof of sustainable action, can be a great lever to increase trust in consumers.
To read more about ‘Trust as the magic ingredient’, read this article by co-founder and Psychologist Annette.


We at Trusticate work towards a transformative shift in how we collective perceive and engage with sustainability. By blending storytelling with factual data, we create an immersive experience that informs, engages, and inspires. Trusticate's registry is not just a tool but an essential part of modern, sustainability-focused consumer interaction. It redefines engagement, trust, and connection in a way that's adaptable to various suppliers and projects, forging a path towards a more conscious and connected future.




Trust is the “Magic Ingredient”